Day 2:
6:45am: Depart from Toledo
7:35am: Toll $3.75
7:38am: Indiana
803:am 69 degrees: Breakfast, Hardy's $11.18 (PEED)
8:35am: Gas, $42.32
8:57am (central time, actually 9:57am) 80 degrees: Portage IN Toll $7.30
9:18am 82 degrees: Illinois Welcome Center (PEED)
9:26am: On the road again
11:51am: Iowa Welcome Center (PEED)
12:05pm: On the road again
1:35pm 90 degrees: Picnic Lunch of Spam and Pickle, and Egg Salad, Gas, $37.19
1:47pm: On the road again
4:30pm: Entered Nebraska
4:52pm: Rest Stop, Switched drivers (PEED)
5:02pm 91 degrees: On the road again
6:41pm 87 degrees: Motel 6, Grand Island, NE
View from our second story window (thats GreyCat):
Total Miles so far: 1,543.6
I suspect that this adventure will permanently shape your life in so many ways. For instance, you may spend the rest of your life identifying opportunities to pee.