
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Aren't we just adorable?

The short answer: Yes.

Tonight Michael and I had a few ideas that may make us rich. So, I'm going to go ahead and say copyright all over the post. and all other posts, for that matter.

Are you Ready? Ok.

We've thought of inventing fart-proof light beer. Mainly for the excellent commercials it will surely bring. Just think, just like Coke Zero has a small 'Splenda' logo on it's can, Bud Light could someday have its own 'Beano' logo. Yeah, He's getting his PhD, and just happens to be wicked smart.

Second, we've come up with a store called "Beer, Bath, and Beyond" Which is exactly like Bed Bath and Beyond, but with a bar. Just imagine a kitchen and bath store where you can also get a beer.

Yeah, I realize that both our genius ideas involve cheap ways to increase consumer spending and alcohol consumption, but contrary to common belief, the stuff does not sell itself. They're not cigarettes, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Ingenious! What a wonderful idea. And talk about a great way to get the men to go to that store. They can get hammered and you can shop for a new duvet cover -- everyone's happy!!
