
Monday, August 3, 2009

Foot still in mouth

Today, trying my hand at idle conversation, I told a patient she looked well. She told me she was stressed. Hoping to salvage the short answer to my pathetic attempt at conversation, which I should know by now isn't worth it, I said she should be happy, her blood pressure was down the lowest it had been since 2007. She said she was shocked, between having to move and taking care of her husband in the hospital, she was completely worn out. This is the point where I should have stopped. Instead I said,
"Well, I'm sorry to hear about you husband." And then, THIS I should have ended with that. but I said "Is he doing better?" No, she said. He passed in April.

Then I really should have stopped, but out of my mouth flopped "Well, at least he's stable now."

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