After a less-than-enriching experience in high school with home economics I decided that a do-over might be a good idea. So, when I found myself left alone for two weeks, I switched up my normal eat-crap-and-watch-crap bachelorette routine and I used this opportunity to learn what other people my age might consider common sense. I've focused on healthy eating, and maintaining a clean house. I'm half way through my two weeks by myself, and I've learned a few things.
For starters, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are actually magic. No asterisk needed. And the store brand Magic Erasers work just as well. They wipe away stuff that bleach won't even get rid of, which leads me to believe that Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are pretty darn toxic. And in a related revelation-- Don't get Mr. Clean Magic Eraser dust in your eyes. That shit burns like a bitch. For hours.
Another thing I learned is that tofu is good once you quit trying to make it taste like meat. This seems to be a common mis-step-- I don't know what your grocer told you, but Tofu isn't meat, and its never going to taste like meat, so stop it.
Also, My mom's Greek recipes aren't all impossible, but they ARE all wicked bad for my health. Even the green beans and potato dish, which is vegan, is bad for me. That's right, Greeks can even make vegan food give you a heart attack.
Lastly, I have a tendency to save up all my cleaning until the last second, and then break into a marathon clean, and as it turns out that's a stupid idea-- I've got to cut that out.
Plus, I look wicked cute in an apron.