
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hot to Talented Ratio: Cartoonists

If theres one thing professional snowboarding has taught me, its that if you're a hot girl, you don't actually have to possess any raw natural talent to be wildly successful.

Well, it turns out the same goes for cartooning. If you're a girl who is even mildly attractive, any drunken scribble you create on Microsoft Paint can win you internet fame. Now, I'm not saying ugly people can't be famous; I'm just saying ugly women can't be famous. Men don't have to be pretty to be successful, in fact, sometimes just the opposite is true; look at Shawn White. When I asked my brother, a notable online cartoonist, if he'd noticed the trend of not very talented but popular female cartoonists, he confirmed, "yup, thats a thing". And thats all the investigative journalism I need. Its also all the investigative journalism I did.

I'm not even sure that a good female cartoonist can be hot. Cartoonists and their cartoon groupies are, as a general population, pale, awkward, basement dwellers. Which might explain why being a beautiful woman means more to them than being a good cartoonist, but I think hot female cartoonists might be like thin chefs. You have to be suspicious; they obviously aren't eating what they cook.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much less I care about pissing of pretty girls on the internet since I got married.
    The greatest part about your post is that you don't name names, thusly activating the narcissistic defensiveness gland in any pretty cartoonist who reads it.
