
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Google Analytics

To the person who Googled "why are some people in bhutan aren't getting clean water" and ended up on my site, I am pretty sure you did not find what you were looking for. Also, your grammar is terrible. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

And now, a little something Extra

I finally found an obscure beer that Coors hasn't bought yet! I found Caballo Extra at our local SaveMart for on 3.99 a six pack. Its bottled in clear glass so that, I assume, so you can see how good it looks.

'Caballo' means 'Horse' in Spanish, which makes this light bodied beer slightly educational, because I learned a new Spanish word.

What else can I say about Caballo Extra... Well, its a beer. Its imported from El Salvador. Online reviews give it a "D" grade and suggested avoiding it. Thats right; not just not drinking it, but actively avoiding it when you see it in the grocery store. Other reviewers have noted it has a distinct aroma of 'skunky cabbage', and flavor that suggested it may have been brewed from actual horses.

But this kind of a home-run central american cerveza can't be independent forever, so I've gone ahead and created the logo for mega-conglomerate integration. Coors Miller, you're welcome.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

From the Land of Sky Blue Waters...

I kind of thought, living in California, I'd be trying all sorts of new wines; becoming a real wine expert--which is a great way to be a drunk and not have to apologize for your lifestyle-- but I've been too distracted by all the new varieties of cheap beer.

Like Hamm's. Its America's Classic Premium Beer, Born in the Land of Sky Blue Waters. Those are their words, not mine. And if you want to learn more about Hamm's, I don't suggest Google-ing "Ham Beer".

Hamm's is from the Coors Miller family of beers. Reaffirming my belief that if Coors Miller was ever an actual family, I wouldn't want to be their neighbor.  Anyway, Mike and I have had a fun evening, Hamming it up with real zingers like, "Who drank my Hamm?" and the deliciousness of a "Rack of Hamm", "Canned Hamm". Yeah, the stuff pretty much sells itself.

Reversed Racism

Earlier this week one of my Asian co-workers reminded me to follow up with the patient I'd been helping earlier. Except I hadn't helped anyone earlier; I had just signed onto my shift. She thought she was talking to my other blonde co-worker. I was finally able to shout, "You people think we all look alike, don't you!" without irony.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ohhh nuts.

I was on a mission today to clean our Apartment. I vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the stove top and the counters, and right after doing all the dishes, I remembered we have a dishwasher. I spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Its not often that I actually try to look like an ignorant racist, it usually just happens.

I love the nail salon next to my apartment complex. Its run by two ridiculously nice Asian women. I went in there one time the first week we were in Davis, and when I walked in yesterday, they remembered me. Thats all it takes to be 'ridiculously nice' as far as I'm concerned.

One of the girls, Kaylee, makes excellent small talk. She asked me what I was doing for the holidays, and when I told her I was going to the East Coast to visit my family she told me her family lives in Buthan. I thought, thats cool. I've heard of Buthan. Couldn't point it out on a map, but I've heard of it. I'm assuming its someplace in Asia, thats probably safe bet. Well, as it turns out, she was saying "Boston". Her mom and dad live in Boston. She's actually from New Hampshire. Which, along with being one of those "wow, it's a small world" things, also explains why she had such a terrible grasp on the English Language.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wait. Theres more.

At my new job, I spend a good chunk of my day working in retail. Which, if you didn't already know, means that I deserve about the same amount of respect you'd give a used Kleenex. At least thats the case in Davis.

But its not like the people don't care about anything around here. At the very least, they care a lot about looking like they care a lot. They are, after all, wearing a bracelet that shows they donated a dollar to help provide clean water to a village in Africa. But that doesn't mean they'll look me in the face.

And to be fair, not everyone around here is like that, even. Some people's condescending nature is so deeply embedded that they don't even know that they're being condescending. For example: Without fail, at some point during my work day-- usually immediately after a customer finds out I'm a college graduate, and not just some trashy bum(although let it be known that there is no trash in Davis. We all recycle)-- I get "the look". The "what did you do so wrong in your life that you ended up here?" look. Which is suppose to be sympathy, but its like going to the Zoo and pitying the monkeys. You don't actually feel bad for those monkeys, but you want people to think you do; you want the monkeys to think you do. The truth is, you love seeing the monkeys there in their cages, throwing feces. It makes you feel good about yourself. You hardly ever throw feces.

This week, I had a guy tell me that he used to be a construction worker, but now he's an undergraduate, studying English. I said, "I have my Bachelors in English. Looking at me is kind of like looking into the future. All of this could be yours." And he gave me a look like that was the worst thing I ever could have said to him.