
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank you for flying

If airport security profiling exists, then I'm going to have to assume the TSA is keeping an eye out for small, white, blonde girls. I got pulled aside at every check point. I got a full body scan, then my laptop got swabbed to be tested for chemicals, then my carry-on got sent threw the scanner twice, and then after all that the carry on ended up having to be checked.

Its a good thing we show up early. Every time we plan to take a plane, we're there at least three hours before we need to board. Honestly, I really don't mind the wait; it gives me an opportunity to catch up on all that back-logged Facebook stalking and drink heavily without guilt. Not that I tend to carry a whole lot of guilt about that sort of thing, but an excuse never hurts. 

1 comment:

  1. Did you at least like the touching? I mean if you are going to get molestated then you might as well enjoy it.
