
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ohhh sickness.

I know that I've been told about a hundred times: do not go to work when you feel sick. Especially me. Where I work, people are sick, all the time. I could cough, or rub my face, and end up killing grandma. And not Sarah Palin's grandma, but like, a real grandma. So, its common sense to stay home, I don't need a television news report to tell me that. And yet, scratchy throat, hot/cold, muscle pain... I'm going to work. Because Time Magazine never told me how I was suppose to manage my bills if I don't work.

So, I've come up with a plan. First, develop a rating system, from one to ten, to determine how sick you really are. Maybe you're nose is running, and you have a sore throat, that would only be like a 2. and then fever and vomiting would raise the numbers. Now, call into work and tell your co-workers you're ill, and inform them of your current sickness rating. Then they negotiate with you on a price to keep you home. It wouldn't have to be an exact exchange, because you're not actually working, but it will help compensate for the missed day.

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