
Saturday, November 20, 2010

From the Land of Sky Blue Waters...

I kind of thought, living in California, I'd be trying all sorts of new wines; becoming a real wine expert--which is a great way to be a drunk and not have to apologize for your lifestyle-- but I've been too distracted by all the new varieties of cheap beer.

Like Hamm's. Its America's Classic Premium Beer, Born in the Land of Sky Blue Waters. Those are their words, not mine. And if you want to learn more about Hamm's, I don't suggest Google-ing "Ham Beer".

Hamm's is from the Coors Miller family of beers. Reaffirming my belief that if Coors Miller was ever an actual family, I wouldn't want to be their neighbor.  Anyway, Mike and I have had a fun evening, Hamming it up with real zingers like, "Who drank my Hamm?" and the deliciousness of a "Rack of Hamm", "Canned Hamm". Yeah, the stuff pretty much sells itself.

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